Hello my friend, good news for you. today i discuss about temco ico. this ico can be a good option for investment.

TEMCO is a general public blockchain with the smart contract that can be used to overcome limitations in source string supervision in administration. TEMCO aims to make each distribution participant linked via the blockchain so that the pre-shipment stage can become known in right period, raise the performance of the source string costs and also consumers will become capable of selecting items that have exceeded through reliable source string management criteria.

Let's discover out who all are the people behind the moments of this enormous task.

Brian Lee (Co-Founder, CTO) is a person who has even more than ten years of experience in the IT field and eight years in the area of Global Marketplace and Capital Risk. Business leads Professional at Royal Loan company of Canada, NYC. A graduate student of Stony Brook University majoring in Bachelor of Technology (BS) Field of Study Pc Research certainly mastered his field at TEMCO.
Scott Jaeseob Yoon (Co-Founder, CEO) has even more than six years of encounter in Corporate Finance, FX Trader at the Global Fund Team.

Besides that right now there are even now well-known name names who also have got knowledge in their respective areas support up against this project. And one thing is certain; they display their standard and regular Linkedin accounts account.

How are items respected and distributed by customers in a reliable method? As talked about earlier, the existing supply chain management program does not fulfill consumers who often desire reliability, because consumers perform not possess immediate access to reliable details. The TEMCO task aims to guarantee accurate blockchain details can be contained in the blockchain when a product can be moved through a reasonable agreement. This connects manufacturers, warehouses, transport companies, distributors, and end consumers; this enables the supplied string to end up being informed in real time. As info and data structured supply string alternative, the TEMCO project strives to obtain:

1.    Great connection between users.
2.    Dependability of supply string information.
3.    Transparency and balance of supply string info.
4.    Great effectiveness.

In the future, information produced on the TEMCO platform will be kept on decentralized hosting space. Because specific essential beliefs in the blockchain can be backed at any correct period, so there usually is little possibility that the existing deal can become transformed by a third party when a challenge happens. Centered on these features, TEMCO seeks to provide complete info transparently to all vendors and consumers using the system.

The usage of blockchain and wise contracts in supply chain administration systems can help ensure interoperability between different systems in production, transportation, and storage. Vendor authentication systems are utilized to emphasize the reliability of info produced in the source chain procedure. This will raise the parental trans by reducing the period needed to identify the issue and offer a basis for immediately examining the data. Therefore, the blockchain-based supply chain management system will streamline the whole ecosystem, reduce the expense of building infrastructure, and boost customer self-confidence in the product.

Wise agreements will also end up being ready to protect from falsifying details in the written reserve access stage. The TEMCO task offers the potential to monitor item distribution through a blockchain in a single purchase to decrease the possibility of dangers such as documenting incorrect information about the real condition of the product in the bright agreement stage.

It appears that TEMCO will always be and can be used by food distributors in the future widely, so we are sure that in the potential this task will increase with its functions and people in its administration.
  • Ticker: TEMCO
  • Small type: Very own WALLET
  • ICO Symbol Cost: 1 TEMCO = 0.0063 U.S.D
  • Fundraising Objective: 19,000,000 U.S.D
  • Total Bridal party: 6,000,000,000
  • Obtainable for Small Sale: 50%
  • Accepts: ETH, BTC
  • Role of Symbol: UTILITY

Relation Temco ICO and Foundation X:

TEMCO ICO, a supply string data system motorised by bitcoin system and RSK (Rootstock), and getting the initial bitcoin dApp of market, grew into a tactical relationship with the Crypto Blockchain and Account Accelerator ‘BLOCKCHAIN we’.

Andre Kim, the CEO of ‘BLOCKCHAIN I’, who all actively helps the partnership with TEMCO, “The most profound feature we found during the meetings, was the known fact you can see the whole distribution process from production to delivery in real-time.” He also added, “I discovered a great business potential in that the entire procedure is certainly kept in the blockchain and the data is usually readily available to customers.”

TEMCO’h Co-Founder and CEO Scott Yoon openly work with the partnership with BLOCKCHAIN I by also telling, “BLOCKCHAIN we and TEMCO have worked from the starting of the project on problems across-the-board jointly, from which we’ve learned a great deal about the industry and gained essential information. I’m searching forward to the information that blossoms from this extensive collaboration and will function towards developing this organization to unusual size.”

Also, “Through BLOCKCHAIN, TEMCO ICO group was gifted to encounter global cohorts like RSK (the realm’s opening Bitcoin-based shrewd contract stage). The relationship with BLOCKCHAIN I and RSK are sundry of the planned associations to derive. From side to side even more companies, TEMCO ICO shall end up being bright to convert Korea’s primary Bitcoin dApp alone.”

TEMCO is emerging a source filament data scheme founded on RSK knowledge on the bitcoin system. By means of blockchain knowledge, we attach isolated source string procedure offer and records data services. Businesses can use business cleverness device for business information. Consumers may monitor source string data in a valid period and there will be an online market system of TEMCO for the cryptocurrency.

BLOCKCHAIN we are usually a solid involved in accelerating, trading, advising and incubating various domestic and global tasks and businesses. The previous BitGo CEO, Will O’Brien, attends as a critical consultant. BLOCKCHAIN I affords also established significant relations with the ICO Today and the Nexus One, as well as participating and speeding up RSK, Origo, Black cloud, Chromapolis, Ensure, and Tip Chain.

The CEO of Jay Hwang, “Ignoble A” and a Companion at “FuturePlay” stated that he sturdily helps TEMCO’s committed goals, “through this relationship, ‘Base Times’ and ‘TEMCO ICO will not merely progress the personalize Bitcoin-founded decentralized App in Korea but will also revolutionize the logistics marketplace through blockchain. Business Cleverness (BI) tool, will provide businesses to make use of Big Data kept on the blockchain.”

“Base A” will not just action while TEMCO’t investor but seeing that an accelerator also. The “Base A” group will help TEMCO reach its real potential by investing in critical systems, support TEMCO’s forthcoming TGE (Symbol Era Event), and offer consultation for business model development.

Scott Yoon, the CEO and co-founder of TEMCO, is proud to be a partner of “Basis A”, stated, “we are privileged to end up being financed and backed by a leading accelerator such as ‘Base A’. The TEMCO team shall work hard to meet the high expectations set up by the high-profile partnership.”

 “Base Times” was recognized to advance blockchain little startups and is typically a secondary established up in the Singapore by one of Korea’s leading accelerator “FuturePlay”. “Base Back button” currently provides a well-established profile of blockchain task advancement most remarkably fast-moving up the “Airbloc Procedure” and “Carry Etiquette”.

To brush up, TEMCO ICO is a little startup that exploits blockchain expertise to attach remote source stores and develops providers to make use of the recently interconnected data. From the connebted-side, TEMCO ICO affords businesses with Professional Intelligence gears, an analytics device that benefits companies entree the data on the blockchain efficiently. From the consumer-side, TEMCO is developing applications where consumers can view the distribution process from begin to finish transparently.

A 4.6 rated ICO in ICObench: https://icobench.com/ico/temco

I am in study of great cases ICO


ERC WALLET: 0xb15f35F5eA560ADfbf64136DC927F5972F806A6b


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